FICA is a fund that acquires and manages real estate in São Paulo, with the aim of making fair rent possible for low-income families. Our work is based on three pillars:

1. Developing property access and management models that are well grounded in legal, financial and urban studies, putting scientific knowledge into practice. This will strengthen the "ways of doing" social housing that can be replicated.

2. Application and operation of the models developed, exercising a culture of learning from experiences in our properties. We buy and manage properties through donations, social investment, lending or leasing and subletting. We accompany residents in the properties, supporting them according to their individual needs.

3. Disseminating and openly sharing our learnings and technologies with other civil society groups and the public sector, contributing to public policies and strengthening the social housing ecosystem.


Today we manage


real estate.

They are:

31 housing units

879 m² removed from the speculative market

91 people sheltered

6 million

is the number of empty dwellings in Brazil

Source: IBGE 2010 Census

By donating as little as R$15/month you can help vacant
to be offered on the market at a fair rent

Even small amounts, periodically, make a difference 

6.9 million

of dwellings is the housing deficit in Brazil

Source: IBGE 2010 Census



What do we do?

We access properties and rent them out at a fair price to low-income families. We also have experimental projects, gathered under the umbrella of FICALab, such as the incubation of new similar funds. 

How do we acquire the properties?

The money to buy the properties comes from recurring or one-off donations we receive. But we also work with donations or loans of empty properties. The fund also receives rents from apartments and funds from financial investments. Every month we publish the previous month's statement on our social media channels. You can also check the statements in transparency.

Do we subsidise the tenants' rent?

No. Our aim is to offer a rent at cost price and therefore more affordable. Our contracts are the same as any other rental contract, except that we do not require a guarantor.

How do we calculate the rent?

The rent FICA is comprised of 4 items: a repair fee; an association allowance; a contribution to the new flat fund; and insurance against external disasters. Rents for the single-family flats total between R$310 and R$380.

How do we select the residents?

Residents are selected according to each property, always through referrals from partner institutions such as the Gaspar Garcia Center for Human Rights and the ULCM.

In the case of #apartamento1, we drew up - with the participation of our members FICA - a profile for the first family that served as a guide during the process. The family income would be between 2 and 3 minimum wages, guaranteeing a maximum commitment of 30% with the payment of rent and condominium, the contract must be signed by a woman and the family must have 2 generations.

If you are part of an organization that can refer residents to FICA properties, sign up here.

I have an idle property, can FICA help me to give it a social function?

Yes! We can find different ways of working with a property, whether by assignment of use, lending, social investment or transfer of ownership. Write to

What is the difference between being a supporter or an associate?

The supporter is the one who contributes monthly with FICA for the purchase of houses, and may or may not be a member. The associate, besides contributing with the FICA, accompanies the projects, participating in meetings and work groups, contributing even more to our growth. The associate, as a member of FICA, also has the right to vote in the assemblies and can also run for the board of directors. 

How to become an associate?

To become a member, you must share the values of FICA and be accepted in a vote by the board. After registering for the monthly contributionplease contact us by the same email

How do we cover the administrative costs?

Part of the rent is used to cover administrative costs, but most of it is covered by other income, such as sponsorship for FICALab projects and prizes. In this way, we ensure that donations are entirely directed to their purpose.

What is FICALab and how can I register a project?

FICALab is a laboratory for projects related to urban/rural land ownership or topics that are connected to the mission of FICA. Do you have a project idea for FICALab? Contact us by email ( or through the social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter e Linkedin). Suggestions are reviewed by the executive team and the board of directors of FICA.

How can I contribute to FICA?

You can make a monthly or one-off donation via our platform

We also accept other forms of contribution. Do you have any suggestions? Contact us at 

How can I follow the projects of FICA?

Every month we publish our newsletter with project progress, news and content tips. To subscribe, just fill in this form.

We also hold some open meetings, which are always publicized on social media. Follow us on: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.


 +55 11 91227-7881

Av. São Luís, 86 - República, São Paulo - SP, 01046-000